
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Pro Cyclist's Bulges

The cyclist's gear is designed to be aerodynamic.  The clinging cycling kit made from spandex/lycra is designed to let the airstream not slow them down.  The big benefit, I enjoy, is how the kit showcases the male body.  I enjoy viewing how a cyclist positions his cock in the gear.  European cyclists are much more in the habit of positioning to the side or upward-- not caring if their meat is on display.  Too often my fellow prudish, puritan American cyclists positioning downward into the cycling pad keeping the package hidden.   As a cyclist myself, I prefer to position up and to the side-- -- it feels more comfortable and I do enjoy putting things on display!

A young Mark Cavendish

Mark's dirty pacakge on display

Team Bulge

Nice Team Bulge 1

Nice Team Bulge 2

Nice Team Bulge 3

HUGE Team Bulge 4

HOT Team- check out the hard on- 2nd from right

White Cycling Shorts- Sexy


Love the fan's outfit!

Bulge in Red

Light Blue shows well

Looks like a fun Team Practice

Nicely Defined

BIG George Hincapie

A winner in more ways than one


  1. I agree. With this skin tight gear if the cyclist has his cock up against his belly it is so visible but they all seem happy it's on show.

  2. Gotta love a man that is not afraid to show his cock off.... a rarity in USA purtain lifestyle where the penis is viewed as EVIL thing!
